Sunday, March 20, 2011


Spring!  What a glorious way to start Spring 2011, with a SuperMoon:

 14% Larger, 30% Brighter, and it was here at the Rancho, until those pesky clouds moved in to block the shine!  Ah, well, Mr. Froggie was a-croakin' through it all!

That's him (or her...hard to tell!) in his garden trough.  There are 3 who survived an inch and a half of ice on top of the trough during the Winter.  They regularly warm up nowadays, and it absolutely drives my cat, Sgt. Preston, bonkers!

The planting is done for the most part.  Here are two photos of how the gardens look today.  First up, the new extension, tomatoes at the top, creams peas poking out, peppers surrounded by their cut-worm shields, and soaker hoses ready.  It should be fun to watch it change over the next couple of months.

And this photo is the raised bed garden that yielded such a fine harvest last year:

1015 onions in foreground, 2nd bed is baby swiss chard, more onions, and that delicious bulb garlic!  Spinach in the third, along with some hardy strawberry plants that are starting to put on flowers...can hardly wait!  And in the 4th bed, at the back, is the swiss chard, kale, brussell sprouts, and hopefully (fingers crossed), horseradish by the end of the summer.

Note:  I never pretended to be a photographer...but a snap shot artist for sure!

So with Spring springing, we're ready set go for the best food anywhere!

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